
目前显示的是 十一月, 2019的博文

Where to find a sugar daddy to give you money?

How to Find A Sugar Daddy to Get Sugar Baby Allowance? Where to find a sugar daddy near you? You may feel awkward when asking your sugar daddy to get a sugar baby allowance. This page is right to help you find a sugar daddy and get sugar baby allowance SUGARDADDIECOMLOGIN.COM There are various ways enable you to find a sugar daddy, such as Craigslist, bars, golf club, diving club, rich men community as well as sugar daddy websites. If possible, you can try all those ways and we are sure that you will find your ideal sugar daddy in the end. However, it must take most of your time and effort to even spend a lot before getting your ideal partner. If you are just a college school student who needs a sugar daddy to give you financially support, finding a sugar daddy through freestyle seems not a good idea for you. The  best sugar daddy websites  are wildly used for seeking a sugar daddy, where like-minded well-off sugar daddies gathering in this community, wh...

Why Apple removes all sugar daddy dating apps?

Reasons of Why Sugar Daddy Dating Apps Are Removed From Apple Store All sugar daddy dating apps were removed by apple store due to the new bills signed by Donald Trump after Seeking Arrangement App blocked in China WWW.SUGARBABYWEBSITESFREE.COM After  Seeking Arrangements  was blocked in China,  Apple removed all sugar daddy dating apps  in the wake of the FOSTA -SESTA Bills signed by U.S President Donald Trump On April 11, 2018. These bills enable law enforcement authorities to pursue sites that promote prostitution and sex trafficking online. It was regarded as a victory for victims but much consternation and confusion still exists elsewhere on the worldwide.  After the bill was signed, Apple sends founders of sugar daddy apps a message through its message center, claims that sugar daddy apps are being evaluated because it’s possible to violate it’s safety 1.1 clause that stipulates apps would be removed if its content is considered as offensi...